Tips & Experiences
Dejan Tornjanski
6 min

Planning the employment of foreign workers - the key to success

May 14, 2024

One employer waited for a worker from abroad for months.

After an exhaustive search for the ideal candidate, he was faced with a bureaucratic maze that greatly lengthened the entire hiring process.

This was the result of insufficient time frame planning that takes into account the complexity of obtaining work permits and visas for workers outside the European Union.

Planning is the key to success.

Understanding the Foreign Workers Act

The Law on Foreigners (The People's Newspaper, no. 130/11, 74/13, 69/17, 46/18) is a fundamental legal act regulating the conditions under which foreign workers can access the Croatian labour market. The specifics of this law require careful analysis and understanding in order to successfully navigate the hiring process, which in particular stands as a challenge for employers. The need for timely action and information is emphasized, given the frequent changes and additions to legal provisions.

In addition to knowing the Law on Foreigners, it is important for employers to familiarize themselves with other relevant legal regulations such as the Labor Code (The People's Newspaper, numbers 93/14, 127/17, 98/19), and the ordinances regulating in more detail the issuance of work permits. Therefore, it is critical to implement a planning strategy that goes beyond current needs, that is, to think about hiring processes and balancing the workforce over a higher period of time. Long-term planning can significantly reduce the risk of delays and other possible obstacles arising from the ambivalent nature of the legislative framework.

Overview of legal requirements

Legal requirements for the employment of foreigners are complex and vary depending on the specifics of the position and citizenship of the worker.

The success of employing foreigners lies in a precise understanding and application of Croatian legislation.

In order to obtain a work permit, it is necessary to comply with certain conditions such as quotas for employment of foreigners, justification of the need for a foreign worker, and verification of the labor market.

Employers are obliged to comply with the Law on Foreigners and related regulations which stipulate the conditions under which foreign workers may be employed in the Republic of Croatia.

Changes in legislation

The legislative framework in Croatia is constantly changing, which affects the procedures for hiring foreign workers. It is imperative to regularly monitor updates and adjustments to the law.

In recent years, laws have been updated to align with European directives and global migration trends, which may result in the introduction of new provisions or amendments to existing ones. These changes can significantly affect the length and complexity of the process of hiring foreigners. It is therefore imperative for employers to be proactive and work continuously with migration law experts to ensure compliance with legislation.

Particular emphasis should be placed on quotas for the employment of foreigners, which may be subject to change. Quotas determine the maximum number of foreigners who can be employed and often change according to the economic needs of the state. Accordingly, employers should regularly analyze quotas and adjust their hiring strategies.

In view of this, the introduction of new procedures and administrative steps can further complicate the process of obtaining work permits. Strategic planning and early initiation of permitting procedures are key to minimising the risk of delays. Employers should also consider options for improving vehicles for communication with the relevant authorities in order to optimize processes and reduce the time frame for hiring foreign personnel.

Strategic Employment Planning

Preference is given to employers who plan and initiate procedures for hiring foreign workers in a timely manner. Such an approach makes it possible to avoid potential administrative delays.

In order to ensure business continuity, employers must regularly analyse the labour market, anticipate future employment needs and adapt their selection and work permit process accordingly. This implies cooperation with legal advisers and alignment with regulators.

Monitoring of legislative changes and deadlines is of paramount importance for the successful management of the process of obtaining work permits and the temporal dynamics of employment.

Choosing the right moment to start the process

Precise planning and early application for work permits are key to avoiding delays.

  • Analysis of the labor market- forecasting the necessary profiles of foreign workers
  • Study of regulations- understanding of current legislative requirements
  • Communication with the competent authorities- establishment of effective communication channels
  • Preparation of documentation- collection of all necessary documents in advance
  • Elaboration of the time plan- development of a detailed plan with the deadlines for submitting the application and the expected processing time

The implementation of a clear strategy allows the efficient use of time resources.

Starting the process up to 12 months in advance can make a significant contribution to the successful completion of employment.

Building a strong HR infrastructure

Strengthening human resources capacity is the basis for the effective employment of foreign workers. Proper organization, education of employees and compliance with processes ensure thorough preparation for the arrival of specialists from abroad.

A good HR infrastructure is key to the rapid adaptation of workers. It allows for effective integration into the company's business system.

Targeted education of the HR team increases the understanding of laws and bureaucratic procedures. This significantly affects the acceleration of the process of obtaining permits.

The HR department must monitor constant changes in legislation to meet all the requirements for the employment of foreigners. This includes updating internal regulations and procedures.

Automation of processes and digitization of documentation reduce the time frame required to process requests. Also, they increase accuracy and reduce the possibility of errors in operation.

Investing in the development of HR technologies helps to improve the candidate selection process. New software tools enable better data analysis and more effective human resource management.

Navigating the process of obtaining work permits

Managing the process of obtaining work permits requires a detailed insight into the current legal regulations and procedure in the Republic of Croatia. Accuracy of information and preparation of documentation are key to avoid unnecessary delays. Timely application for work permits can significantly reduce the waiting time and speed up the process of integrating a foreign worker into the company.

In order to successfully obtain work permits, it is recommended to establish contact between employers and competent institutions at an early planning stage. Regular communication with bodies such as the Ministry of the Interior and the Croatian Employment Agency allows for a faster flow of information and encourages the exchange of experience with practical cases. In addition, expert consultations with specialized legal advisers can provide additional security throughout the process.

Details of the application procedure

Applying for a work permit begins with the collection of detailed documentation, including a biography, diplomas and certificates of work experience. Each item of documentation must be accurately processed and translated into Croatian.

It is important to choose the appropriate type of permit, depending on the skills and intentions of hiring workers. Choosing the right category makes the process easier and faster.

The documentation is then handed over to the competent police station according to the place of business of the company. The time period for processing requests varies depending on the workload of a particular office.

In the meantime, employers should maintain constant contact with the relevant authorities to monitor the status of the application. This also includes preparation for possible additional clarifications and information.

Properly planned procedures for hiring foreign workers make it possible to avoid delays and provide the necessary support to specialists. The procedure requires dedication and thorough preparation.

Finally, hiring a foreign worker is not a process that can be improvised. Systematic monitoring of steps and removal of bureaucratic obstacles are the key to success.

Expectation and waiting time management

Due to the length of the process of obtaining work permits, employers must start planning the employment of foreign workers in a timely manner.

  • Informing about current deadlinesbefore starting the procedure.
  • Monitoring of legal changesthat may affect the process.
  • Proactive communicationwith the competent authorities throughout the process.
  • Organization of documentationin accordance with current requirements.
  • Planning for alternative solutionsfor possible setbacks.

Patience and proactivity are key in waiting for permits and visas to be issued.

Regularly updating timelines and communicating transparently with potential employees are the foundation for effective expectations management.

Integration of foreign workers in the company

The integration of foreign workers into the company is the beginning of a new era that requires a structured and methodical approach. It is crucial to create an inclusive work environment that facilitates adaptation and develops a sense of belonging among new hires. In particular, this includes the organization of internal trainings on corporate culture and business processes, as well as the provision of language training and mentoring.

Detailed knowledge of rights and obligations, both on the part of the employer and foreign workers, contributes to transparency and reduces the risk of possible misunderstandings. Creating an intercultural environment enriches the company with new perspectives and encourages innovation and creativity. At the same time, it is important to ensure proper support for workers in the process of obtaining a work and residence permit, providing assistance in obtaining all necessary information and documentation, and, if necessary, legal assistance.

Cultural adaptation and language preparation

Cultural adaptation of a foreign employee requires understanding and respect for local customs and norms. In the integration process, adaptation to cultural specificities contributes to better communication and cooperation within the team. Employers should provide resources and tools to facilitate this transition.

Language preparation is an indispensable segment of adaptation and should begin before the arrival of workers in Croatia. The organization of Croatian language courses shows in advance the concern of the employer for the successful acclimatization and integration of workers.

The implementation of language training and cultural education in the work environment increases employee satisfaction and productivity, reduces stress caused by language barriers and facilitates business communication. Businesses should invest in the development of tailor-made training programmes to address the specific language needs of foreigners.

It is important to understand that the adaptation process is multidimensional and can vary considerably from person to person; therefore, flexibility and an individual approach are key to successful integration. Business strategies focused on cross-cultural education and language empowerment create a solid foundation for the long-term retention of foreign workers, while contributing to their personal and professional evolution.

Legal and social aspects of inclusion

The inclusion of foreign workers requires the fulfillment of specific legal requirements. It includes obtaining work permits and regulating the status of residence in Croatia.

When it comes to hiring a foreigner, knowledge of the legislative framework is key. Procedures for issuing visas and permits are often complex and require expert knowledge and foresight of the processing time frame.

The social integration of foreign workers implies facilitating access to services such as health insurance, accommodation and social care. Providing support in these segments is key to employee satisfaction and loyalty.

The support of the local community and institutions is also important for successful inclusion. In this regard, employers are advised to cooperate with local authorities and organizations that can provide the necessary information and assistance.

Ensuring adequate language preparation and cultural adaptation promotes communication and cooperation within the collective. Investing in this aspect contributes to a better understanding and greater efficiency of the workforce.

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