temporary employment

Temporary staffing

This model allows you to quickly adapt to changing market challenges, improving competitiveness and efficiency.

Hire a fixed-term employee for increased labor needs and leave the responsibility of payroll and compliance to legal regulations to us.

🧾 Payrolls
🧩 Flexibility of business
Optimization of costs according to the needs of the project
📊 Payroll accounting
Compliance with legal regulations
🛡️ Legal certainty
We take care of the legal regulations

How does the process look like?

The process of transferring foreign workers in the Republic of Croatia includes several key steps that are regulated by the legislation relating to the employment of foreigners and the assignment of workers. Our team of experts will carefully analyze your needs and give advice on what everything needs to be provided before a foreign worker starts working in your organization.


Defining needs

In close cooperation with you, we first thoroughly define a detailed job description of the position for which the recruitment is carried out.


Objection to the deadline

In the Contract of Assignment of Workers, we define the terms of cooperation and the start of work.


Start of work

After all legal regulations and regulations have been met, the foreign worker begins work.


Payroll calculation

Labor records are your concern, and our payment is payroll. We carry out the calculation of salaries in accordance with the agreed terms and deadlines.

Temporary staffing

If you need flexibility in business and additional labor to increase the volume of work, then this is the model for you.

Optimization of human resources according to current needs

Reduced risk of legal complications

The Agency ensures compliance with legal regulations

Payroll payment, employee records as well as regulatory monitoring is the agency's concern

Recruitment & administration

Opt for this model if you are looking for a long-term talent recruitment solution.

You enter into an employment contract with a foreign worker

Take care of the documentation for the stay and work of a foreign worker

You invest in talent development in the long term

Follow legal regulations and changes related to the stay and work of foreign workers

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